Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week Four

It's important read up on some study guides before getting into it. Here's a website full of them:

In this week's workshop we have been asked to make a sort of story board of our choice, such as a mind map to retell a story from Dust Echoes. I have chosen the Brolga Song. I chose this for this week partly because I enjoy learning about differing animals and partly because I recently went to Healsville Sanctuary and sprayed across the walls and plaques in the Sanctuary are Brolga's stories and other stories associated with similar indigenous mythologies. I really liked the Brolga one and am hoping it's the same.

This is a smaller image of retelling the story as a concept map. It's a great technique to ask students to develop a story with image and literacy. Also, it develops a sense of the flow of a story, the narrative that consists of the main concepts and an ending. It creates a sense of understanding and a deeper sense of the siginificance of mythological aspects in the story.

The second task involved M&M's to develop a spreadsheet of coloursand numbers. We were expected to use Excel for this task. When administering this task it is up to the child to sort out the M&M's in colours and numbers.

Using Excel I typed in the random figures of an imaginary count of M&M's in a pack and then highlighted the colours with then figures. Once this was done I clicked on insert, then chose the appropriate graph, I though a pie chart was fitting!

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